25 Things to do during quarantine!
Hello everyone reading this, I know how BORING it can get is to stay at home & do nothing (or have A LOT of work & be SO tired that you would agree to sleep at 7 pm!). On weekends I normally wake up & then think… “What in the WORLD should I do today?” So I know how the people reading this feel. Now without further adieu… let's get started!!!
Number 1. —Watch Netflix!
I know this is the most obvious thing that comes to your mind but there is a LOT more so keep reading!
Number 2. — Read a book
I love reading books so I had to add this but if you don’t that is not a problem, you can just put on a audiobook & sleep (or do anything your choice!) or just keep on reading getting more Ideas! There are MILLIONS & MILLIONS of different books in the world! I personally like Comics or very mysterious books.
Number 3. — Stay connected, while staying apart!
I know till now this list has been pretty obvious but then again these are the things that matter the most right? So, while we’re at it… Connect! Say hi to someone in your school or office… someone new? maybe? It’s your choice! You can even just start a conversation with an old friend or a family member you haven’t been close with! This is completely your choice, & I love connecting & even if you don’t there’s always WAY more to these lists!
Number 4. — complete a puzzle!
I personally love some puzzles, they challenge your brain & you feel so good after you complete them (some of relief & some of excitement!). So I’d definitely recommend this.
Number 5. — Start a journal or blog!
Not someone who likes puzzles? I got you. Why not do what I did? Start a blog or if you don’t like to share things with the world write a Journal! There are so many options out there & all you have to do is look!
Number 6. — Learn how to play an Instrument or play one you know!
I know how to play the guitar & I love to learn how to play so many new & different things on it! If you don’t like playing instruments you can learn how to use a beatmaker!
Number 7. — Write poetry!
I love writing & reading poetry & so I on a daily basis write down my feelings in the form of poetry, this is good for when you’re feeling sad, angry or even empty!
Number 8. — Write a Book or Novel!
I’m a kid (I’m 11)& I LOVE a good Novel, SO recently I started writing my own novel! it’s about a dream I had (it’s a horror), the dream was about a mix of the shinning & the song ‘Hotel California’ by the Eagles! It definitely is difficult but when you start Ideas start coming to you & you might think that they are bad at first but then just think about it & think about what you want to do for the rest of the book & what you want to base it on!
Number 9.— Make a list of movies that you want to watch in a marathon!
I know that this is pretty similar to ‘Netflix & Chill’ but it’s a good way to enjoy yourself when you’re bored! If you don’t live alone like me (obviously), ask all the people you live with 1 movie or series or a movies series (example — harry potter) that they EACH want to watch, then start a marathon & watch them all back to back. Just make sure you don’t watch TOO MUCH TV or it’s gonna be VERY bad for you.
Number 10. — Download the App Duolingo & learn a new language! (I don’t know if I got the spelling right please excuse me)
I had already done this & it’s a GREAT way to learn a language that you want to or get some more help with a test if you have one. There are SO MANY different languages on this app & it’s Very fun to learn (especially for kids), so I really recommend this app.
Number 11. — Meditate
Meditating is a GREAT way of being peaceful & being happy all day long! It’s a great way to look after yourself & give your body rest (other than sleeping)!
Number 12. — Sleep!
In this time period, we REALLY need to have a good night's sleep for ALL the activities or work we do every day! It’s good to get 1 of this mid-day or in the evening so it keeps our body fresh for the rest of the day!
Number 13. — Listen to a podcast!
This is something that I do when I feel like sleeping because the people speakings voices are SO soothing but it’s a GREAT thing to listen to podcasts & there are SO many different topics they are made on!
Number 14. — Binge shows
I have a few recommendations (actually they are from 1 of my friend’s YouTube Idols but I like them too, some of them I have not watched because I’m underage but just decide for yourself)
Number 15. — Karaoke!
I personally LOVE THIS ONE! Sometimes I face time my friends & then we do karaoke or just randomly sing songs so this is a GREAT way to open up & just have genuine fun!
Number 16. — Play a Board game with your family!
Board Games for me, are VERY fun & they keep you occupied for a LONG time! Even normal games like UNO or something will do!
Number 17. — Have a spa day!
This is not only for women but also for men! A spa day doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to do Mani-Pedi or like a face mask. You can just talk EXTRA care of yourself that day & make yourself feel Great! Because there is NO ONE in your home who will judge you!
Number 18. — Work out
In this lockdown, we are all cramped up in 1 place & are expected to stay there till COVID ends. But this is hard with the circumstances we are given, in today’s world, time & place 1 of the most important things are to take care of OUR SELVES. We are already protecting other’s by staying at home but self-care is also VERY important. So, why not work out?
Number 19. — Learn a new Skill!
Nowadays most of us have SO MUCH time & nothing to do! So, I thought that I could learn something new & I did! I loved experimenting with it & just enjoying. (I learnt baking) The joy after baking & cooking was SO good (literally we just snacked the whole time). You can take up ANYTHING you want to learn! Some apps that help you do this are Masterclass, skillshare & udemy (you can search up more apps if you like). You can even use Youtube!
Number 20. — Write a play or a short film!
This is something that even if you’re not good at you can do! If you are with you’re family, then you can give them each a different character & tell them to act or if you’re alone then you an act them out yourself & then edit it all together! This is fun no matter what way you do it!
Number 21. — Write a song! (or a rap doesn’t matter)
Even though this doesn’t count a classmate of mine wrote a song (rap actually) for our homework & presented it in class. Even though it was hilarious it was SO good & so much fun to watch! you can do the same thing & show it to your friends after quarantine & laugh or you can just send it to them!
Number 22. — Have a party!
I know someone reading this will be looking at this paragraph confused but I’m talking about a quarantine party. One that you can have on zoom or house party. Personally, if you want to watch a movie or play games like chess or something you think is fun then you should go with house party. If you want to talk & I don’t know, eat food? then go with zoom.
Number 23. — Cook something new
If I know something it’s that you probably don’t have a full-time cook or you don’t have a cook AT ALL. So why don’t you just make 1 thing new (to eat) every day? It can be healthy or Not, it doesn’t matter. It matters it that YOU are making it & if you don’t like to cook… bake! If you don’t like to bake? there are MANY more things on this list just keep reading!
Number 24. — Clean your house!
In this time period that we are in quarantine, we have to stay in 1 place for a LONG period of time. So, we should keep the place that we have to live & most importantly SURVIVE in Clean so we don’t end up living in a 3-star hotel (lived in 1 & found 3 cockroaches in the bathroom while I was taking a bath!).
Number 25. — Plan a future trip!
We might have NO IDEA what will happen in the future & what will happen after quarantine but we sure do know where we want to go NOW. We could plan trips & research SO MUCH more about the place that we want to visit!
Thank you all SO much for reading this blog, I hope that you got an idea of what to do nowadays & ways that you can kill boredom while in quarantine & safe! I WILL come up with a second part to this series if you don’t have an I idea yet & you can always also just search this up! Okay, thank you everyone bye!