A day in the forest
The earth is madness and wild growths,
flowers of bloom and berries of red,
skies and all of the messes overhead,
trees intertwined like fingers of flesh,
and you and me run through mud that is wet.
Soil between our toes and dirt in our hair,
the rain pours down from everywhere,
insects and bugs crawl into their beds,
and we dance around, mad in the head.
The earth is madness and wild growths.
We navigate our way through the forest,
the river runs silent for the little birds to rest.
Sounds of elephants and birds hang in the air,
the spirit of freedom, where all is fair.
Nothing is match for beauty so sheer,
A place so full, where we disappear. For here,
The earth is madness and wild growths.
— Giaa-Marie Raj
P.S. — This was actually an english assignment we had to do, and I’m so sorry for not writing anything on this platform for a LONG LONG time, I’m hoping to try and do that more. I wish you a marvelous day and that you enjoyed the poem!