Prologue? : A story idea
The world had fallen, at least as Contessa’s ancestors knew. It was ravaged by other worlds from all sides, earth was helpless against the wrath of innumerable armies with vengeance to seek. Though some lifeforms survived–-As they had even during the previous mass extinctions of the earth–they thrived in the waters, once polluted by the dirt and destruction from land but now pure and clear after years of strict policies and desperate attempts by humans to stay alive, even with gigantic changes made to their environment and themselves, alike. Humans adapted to the water, this took multiple generations and thankfully didn’t involve any genetic modifications—due to the lack of technology and other resources the humans originally had before the war—it took many years and a great amount of suffering before, eventually taking pity on damned fools, mother earth gave them another chance.
The firsts were born. A new species of humans that could breathe underwater using their lungs had the same functions as gills, they sieved through the water for all the elements that made up air and breathed out the water, the water bodies became a part of them. Their ears adapted to the water, becoming slightly bigger and pointer to be more aerodynamic. Their voices were as clear as whale calls underwater, and if they wanted, as loud too. Their sense of direction and ability to sense others nearby was as good as the dolphins. Their legs were strong, and the fish adapted to them in their environment. They had more unique features than the older humans and they were much more independent. Contessa was one of them.
Life beneath the waters was thriving. But life on the ground wasn’t doing too bad either. Long after the war, and the humans' final resort into the depths of the oceans, a meteor struck the earth, a force not quite as big as the extinction of dinosaurs, but not small as Chelyabinsk in Russia either. The meteor crashed through the world as the ones under the seas spiraled in chaos. The meteor, though dangerous, held just the tiniest amount of life. Just enough for it to grow, even in the earth’s now hostile environment. So from the little microorganism, grew something bigger. And it grew, and grew until it covered the entire earth within itself. What previous generations would call alien plantations and faeries thrived. It wasn’t magic. Just science. Wings, big beings, tiny beings, the ones who understood the nature around them, the ones who knew the stars.
As time went on, a new generation was born, the very first little beings with a handful of abilities they shared with the humans and none of the greed and maliciousness . They were precious, pretty creatures who understood each other from the very beginning. They had their own language, as they grew up, had feelings and jobs and mates. They had animals our ancestors could never think of. And as all lore has it, nature was in them, a part of them. Both sides were aware of each other—eventually—, and both were fearful but curious.
The firsts had armor—in case the land-ones attacked—made of metal they molded using stone. Their first attempts at basic metal technology too had been successful, the sea animals trusted them, and understood them, they too had evolved. More dangerous and ferocious than before. The humans who lived in the deep much before the firsts had made attempts to explore the darker depths of the oceans, full of creatures we would never go near before the war, ones the government would experiment on and exploit for power they can’t have. They succeeded eventually in befriending a few, the danger and strength from the mesozoic period never died out in them.
The land-ones however had a wildness in them, along with the differences in their physical attributes, they had animals of all kinds and dangerous plants that were much worse than any we had before the war. They too had weapons, for hunting food and protection from some enemies they hadn’t faced before. Their weapons were made from the finest and purest of the earth’s materials, not just wood and leaves. The faes understood the weapons, what they needed, how to assemble them to be just right. Their strategizing, because of the hunting, was beyond comparison. Their common understanding of their surroundings was dangerous in a way they didn’t know. They knew how to fight and control nature, they knew how to bring peace to it. They knew how to hunt when needed and to protect what was important to them. They were family in every way. Danger excited them, they lived for the thrills.
The faes and firsts grew up here, in the midst of chaos and power. A wonderfully refreshing world.
By Giaa-Marie Raj
P.S. — this is an idea I had some time ago and I feel like it’s not that bad, but I want feedback on how I can improve it. To anyone reading this, if it would be possible to take out 2–5 minutes of your time and comment on this post with your perspective on it, it would be greatly appreciated by me! I’ve been trying to develop different languages for the races and I’m really enjoying the process! I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but tell me what you think.