Coffee, Birthdays, and Friends
I had fun today, walking together to the coffee shop with you. Having weird drinks and taking cluttered, aspirationally ‘aesthetic’ pictures. Having stupid conversations about anything and everything as the sunlight filtered through the glass windows. The cool of the AC contradicting the warmth of the sun.
It created such a radiant mood!
It was fun, painting my nails glittery blue and trying cheese bagels as we giggled away like the school girls we are. Ordering my own drink, for myself, with no adults, figuring it out. The chocolate mocha drink you got was delicious, my diluted Vietnamese ‘shakerato’ paled in comparison.
I’ll choose something else next time!
It was fun, walking back, telling you about my favourite anime, all of its weird details I’ve never dared to tell anyone else. Talking to someone who’s faced the same problems I have, with confidence and societal mindset. Listening to your perspective, your story, connecting with it.
It was good talking it out!
It was new, wearing a short denim skirt and a plain black top, mismatched socks and bright green sneakers. Something I’ve never worn outside, wearing it with confidence. With no consideration of foreign opinions or inhibitions. Putting on purple lipstick, using it as blush, wearing blue eyeliner and mascara to match. Taking selfies in dirty mirrors with you, as you encouraged my inner wild child to open up.
But it was fun!
And I’m happy I went today, I had childish fun, I acted my age. Independence and freedom, and friends and Rush Hour. Being out with no adults, learning more about myself, and you, and how the world works. Finding out how different you are from the version in my head.
I like the real thing better!
It was fun, crossing the road, walking around outside, and realising how unafraid everyone was of the things I’d been stressing about this whole time. How unafraid I was, too. It’s new, it’s different, it’s a little scary; but it’s good, and it’ll be fun to find out something new about my surroundings every day, on my own and sometimes with the people I love most. I look forward to it.
I look forward to you!
— Giaa-Marie Raj
P.S.- For ‘Aal’ for being a super cool friend and being a big part of the awesome time I had today! It was my friend’s birthday, but my Dad had work and my Mom wasn’t home so I got dropped at ‘Aal’s’ house. We went together, but before that we had a blast on our own! What I wrote was kind of childish; but I wanted it to be as simple as possible. Everyone should be able to feel the simple happiness in goofing off with their friends and getting to know awesome people better :)