Injustice in Crime

Giaa-Marie Raj
5 min readNov 1, 2020


Hello everyone, my name is Giaa & I am writing this article with my friend Hima. This article is about (as you can tell by the title) Injustice, we feel like this is a very big topic & it is very important to our world at this place in time. So what we will be talking about in this blog is What is injustice & is it Important to address it? What is crime? When is fine for a crime to go unseen? Is it okay for some heinous crimes to go unseen? why should crime be stopped? who are some of the most known criminals? Can good reasons for committing a crime make the crime fine? This blog will also include a conclusion about crime & how it’s related to the world.

What is injustice & why is it important to address it?
Justice is a concept on ethics and law that means that people behave in a way that is fair, equal and balanced for everyone. So Injustice means that people behave in a way that is not equal, fair or balanced & is probably one-sided. It also means that sometimes the Authority might not always go with the law, like in courtrooms, the police departments, the government & many other parts of the Authority. This is an important topic to address because a lot of people think that this is only happening to a few cases, & even if that is true (It’s not, this is just an example)… the number of cases like this will keep growing & one day when you are in trouble for something this might just happen to you! We also need to address this topic to ensure that nothing like this will happen to people on death row (and it does!) so that innocent lives will not be lost, or even people who might have to spend LIFE in prison. By doing this, innocent people will either die or be in prison for the rest of their lives & guilty people will roam free, on our streets.

What is crime?
A simple definition — Crime is an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government especially a violation of the law.

A little more complicated definition — Crime is an unlawful act (or illegal act) punishable by the authority. In modern criminal law, the term crime doesn’t have a universally accepted meaning.

Examples of crime — Murder, Theft, Robbery, rape, Human trafficking, ETC.

When is it fine for a crime to go unseen?

Let’s say you broke into a house, that was beginning to burn. You search frantically, but no one was home. Great!

You run outside, to call for help, only to find the police there, and you are immediately detained for breaking and entering. The job of cops is truth detecting. They are superb at it, since they are lied to constantly. It means when someone doesn’t lie, that stands out.

Here, what you say to the cops, is EVERYTHING. You could go to jail, and be charged for B&E, or you could be the hero. And the risk here is that you can be seen as the one that set the fire.

So, hero or arsonist, home or jail is only about what you say, and how you say it. If you punk out and act haughty and privileged after breaking in and perhaps starting a fire, you are going to jail.

However, if you act like the concerned citizen that tells them everything about what you were thinking when they ask you five different times, then you will be lauded, and perhaps get a medal, if you saved the cat or something.

The law-breaking is ignored in your case. OTOH, if you were just standing there watching and did nothing to call for help, that itself could be a crime.

This is an example from the website quora from the user “Alan Monday”. We quoted this because we thought that it was the perfect example of what we are talking about. Another way that a crime could go unseen is when it is done for good or in self-defense. But remember if you are not doing a crime in any of these 3 categories, it IS A CRIME! There is 1 other circumstance in which a crime can be okay is when the LAW & Justice is being unfair (If everyone in the world thinks that you are wrong… YOU MIGHT BE WRONG! so just consider that!). Other than that… a crime is a CRIME.

What happens if you accidentally commit a crime?
There are cases where you can still be punished for an accidental crime. A very popular case is when bartenders accidentally serve alcohol to underage people. Even if they checked ID’s every other time but this one, and they end up serving a minor, this is a crime. In fact, it’s possible to go to jail for such a crime. This is known as a Strict Liability Law. Strict Liability Laws state that even if you commit the crime by accident, you can still be accused of the crime. In the other case, as long as there is evidence that there was no intent to commit a crime, you cannot be proven guilty in a court of law. If you have been charged for a crime you did not mean to commit, check with an attorney to see if the police wrongfully charged you.

“Let’s say that you were going through the store trying on clothes and looking at purses when suddenly you see a purse that you really like and put something you also intend to purchase inside the purse to see what it felt like. You wear the purse for a little while around the store, fill up a few more items into your shopping cart, and then go to check out. You purchase everything in your cart, except you forget the purse had another item inside of it. In this particular case, no crime has been committed.” we have taken this example from the website because we thought it fit best.

Who are some of the most famous criminals in the world?
This is for educational purposes only, we do not want more criminals in the world & this is not to make you commit a crime. So, now that we are done with the warning… Here’s a list of the most famous criminals in the world!
1. Ted Bundy
2. Jeffery Dhalmer
3. Jack the ripper
4. HH homes
5. Al Capone
6. Lizzy Borden (technically this is not proven but we still added her because of the way her parents died, the poem,
7. Charles Manson
8. Harvey Glatman (is not that famous but the story is just… unimaginable & sad (not for him for his victims))
9. Jack the ripper
10. Raman Raghav (or the “Jack the Ripper” of India)

This was a blog about Injustice… I hope you enjoyed reading it! so until next time! bye! And I’m thankful to all the people who read my blogs! If you want a specific topic for me to cover, write it in the comment section so I get an idea of what you guys like!



Giaa-Marie Raj
Giaa-Marie Raj

Written by Giaa-Marie Raj

Hi! I’m Giaa, I’m obsessed with true crime & love writing stories. I believe in justice & support #BlackLivesMatter. I post when I wanna write so stay tuned!

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